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Breastfeeding Affirmations

Visiting a new baby for the first time? Searching for a baby shower gift? We got you covered!

My breastfeeding journey has ended and I am ok

I had a traumatic birth, a premature baby with a low birth weight, a low milk supply and latch difficulties. Here’s how I surviived and breastfeed over five years.

Chestfeeding with PRIDE 🌈

There is a rich meaning behind the need to celebrate for a month, however, it does not mean that injustice has disappeared. Let’s begin by exploring the importance of language. Happy Pride!

Breastfeeding Past 2 Years of Age! – Let’s Really Talk About It!

Was the journey always easy? Why keep going? What do others think? Is it uncomfortable? What does it look like at age five? Does your child lift up your clothes in public to nurse? Get the scoop!


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About Me

Hi, I’m Salimah. I am the mother of a beautiful six year old that nursed beyond age five. I am also an entrepreneur, therapist (LCSW) and certified lactation counselor (CLC). My personal life and professional life have collided and this blog is the end result.


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